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This season, we shall have the pleasure to welcome our visitors in the following price lists:

 One Night 7 night week 4 night mid-week 2 night Week-end
100 €uros 220 €uros 160 €uros 145 €uros

Holiday cottage for two people (1 double bed)

Possibility of addition of an individual bed on request without supplement.

This price list includes the electric consumption except heating.

The linen of bed and kitchen is supplied.

The Options Major d'Home:


  • Cleaning of exit (in the case you would not like to make it by yourself): 45 €uros
  • Bag of charcoal for the barbecue: 8 € 4 kg bag.
  • On order: your shopping list transmitted by e-mail is deposited in the refrigerator for your arrival. Price = Invoice of the shopping mall + 10 €uros.
  • Wood for the Fireplace: 10 €uros / day, on request.


And for your horses:

Paddock only Box and Paddock wood ships additionnal fee
25 € / day 40 € / day 15 € / day

This price list includes the hay in two rations a day, as well as 4 liters of floconné a day. Volume and adaptable frequencies, to suit.

Boxes are mulched (except supplement wood ships).

A specific saddlery is reserved for you.


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